Sunday, March 6, 2011

They're Here!!!

The babies arrived Thursday after I picked them up from Del's Farm Supply. I still am having difficulties with my computer so am not able to have any pictures up. But are they ever cute. And already growing! I can see them grow everyday. I can't wait to get pictures on here for you to see. And, yes, they have names at least most of them do. Oh, yeah there are eleven of them and I hope they are all hens. The gal at Del's they should all be pullets (hens) but once in a while a cockerel gets in there. We shall see. For now they are living in a large black tote that my friend Carla lent me and have a grow light on them to keep them warm. The dogs are absolutely mesmerized by them and go onto the sun porch as often as they can to look at them.

I worked outside for about two and a half hours today putting more prunings around the half moon garden. So I am more than half way done with the little fence. Its looking so cute.

Well, that's all for now. As soon as I get my computer back I will have some pictures of the chicks on here. Tata for now.


Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

How fun to get your chicks! That's one thing I wish we could do here, but just don't have the space. I can't wait to see them and your half moon garden.

Elizabeth said...

Jealous!!! ;) lol, have fun with your chicks, Gramma! :)